Kanamori Immigration Office
Visa Procedures | Set up, register a branch | FAXDM | Letter of guarantee | Registration for foreign residents | Incorporation | Status of residence | Contact
Are you planning to apply for visa?
Are you planning to set up a branch?

Wait a minute !
Give me 5 minutes,and I'll show you much better solution.
Visa Procedures

If you are already living in Japan,
and want to extend your period of stay(visa extension),
you have to stand at least five inconvenience
concerning immigration procedures.

1 you have to go to Immigration Bureau to take application forms for visa extension off work,
2 you have to collect required documents or certificate,
3 you have to fill in and complete your application for extension of visa,
4 you have to hand in the application to Immigration Bureau,
5 few weeks later you have to go to Immigration Bureau again to get a new visa off work,

And if you have made a legal mistake you have to correct and again you have start from 4.,
After the laborious and taxing work if worst comes to worst your application for extension can be turned down and receive deportation order.
Many immigration cases require careful handling.

Do you still take a risk and do your visa procedures by yourself to save a money?

I'm an immigration procedure specialist licenced by the Japanese Ministry of Justice,and am entitled to make application for visa to the Immigration Bureau on behalf of an applicant.

What does this mean?

You have no need to visit the Immigration Bureau!
Tell your managers, employees,and family members about us.

Contact us right now!

Set up, register a branch

If you register a branch,or company, in Japan by yourself,
You might lose the opportunity of acquiring millions of dollars authorized government subsidies .

Can you get this information,concerning subsidies when registering a branch through books written about Japan, Japanese business or through internet ?

The answer is no!

You will encounter so many experiences like this ,when you start your business and set up a branch in Japan.
When you rent a office,registering a branch you will encounter what is called "Non Tariff Barrier" in Japan. If you do all the things by yourself,it takes a lot of time and effort.

But there is a way to the solution for above problems.

What do you have to do?
If you wish to save a lot of money,
All you have to do is email us and get an information about what you are going to live/work in Japan beforehand. If you know about what you are going to live/work in Japan beforehand you will have a lot of time to prepare for in your country.
And if you prepare fully ,there is noting to worry about when you arrive in Japan.This guarantees you to succeed easily!

Contact us for beforehand market research or preparation for visiting Japan.

If you want to learn more about Japanese incorporation, click here!


Have you imagined what if you could Explode your sales easily, and automatically while you sleep?
Struggling just to make an income day after day with your company's brochure.
It is so tiresome to knock 100 customers' door in a day.
There was no such a easy way before....
But it is!
FAXDM enable you to approach 10000 in a day,and much less expenses than DM.
You may think that there isn't such a thing as fax number directory.
There are three companies in Japan to provides fax number,but our service is cheapest.
If you want to know more ,

contact us right now!

Letter of guarantee(sponsorship)

Certain kind of visa as,spouse of Japanese national, child of Japanese national ,requires Letter of guarantee(sponsorship) by a person living in Japan.
Sometimes it is difficult for one to find guarantee.

In case something happens the letter of guarantee cause unpleasant influence on guarantee.So people hate to be sponsors.And when you need guarantee(sponsorship) ,this case often happen in Japan when you rent a house or are employed , your father or mother is not always in Japan.
What will you do,in this case?
I prepared the solution for guarantee problem.

Contact us right now!

Registration for foreign residents

If you intend to stay in Japan for 90 days or longer, you must register your local municipal office.Details for registration include name, date of birth, sex, nationality, occupation, status of residence and residential address . Once registration has been completed, an Alien Registration Card will be issued to you. This card is intended to be your primary source of identification while you are in Japan .Consequently, you are required by law to carry it at all times unless you are under 16 years of age. Registration must be made in person, except in the cases of children under 16 and those unable to appear in person due to illness. In these cases, a proxy, who reside at the same address as the applicant, can lodge the application on the applicant’s behalf.
If you want, we will provide you advice and/or accompany you to the local municipal office.

Contact us right now!

Kanamori Immigration Office
Kanamori is an immigration and naturalization service attorney,Immigration Lawyer licenced by the Japanese Ministry of Justice,and he ,is entitled to make application for immigration procedures to the Immigration Bureau on behalf of an applicant.He is also a Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultant licenced by Ministry of economy,trade and industry.

Address: 3-5-8-203 Roppongi Minato-ku Tokyo Japan
Transportation: Roppongi Sta. on Hibiya line and Toei Oedo line,Roppongi 1-chome Sta. on Nanboku line
TEL/FAX: 03-5114-8540
email: gyosei@ad.il24.net
Area: We will go everywhere
Hours: Contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including Sundays and holidays.
Copyright 2002 Kanamori Immigration Office All rights reserved